Ross den Otter

A room with a view

Antique Market

1324 Franklin Street @ Clark Drive, Vancouver, BC

Wednesday – Sunday 10-5 PM


The core concept for this installation arose from the house in East Vancouver that the artist lives in. Strathcona is Vancouver’s oldest community and features some of the city’s oldest homes. This installation explores the facades of some of those houses captured using a pinhole in place of a lens, on a digital camera obscura. Projections of those images are viewed through the frosted panes in windows purchased from the Vancouver Heritage Foundation.


Born in Port Alberni BC in 1969, Ross den Otter, was raised in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island and lives and works in Vancouver. His career began as a newspaper photographer while a teenager in the 1980‘s. He moved to Vancouver later that decade to study photography at Langara College. His artwork blends his interests in photography, metal smithing, painting and printmaking. For over two decades, his photographic work has appeared in publications across North America.

Proudly supporting the idea of a strong community his artwork has sold to benefit charity and arts organizations locally and globally.

In addition to private collections in North America and Europe, his work was recently added to The UBC and VGH Hospital Foundation’s art collection. He is in the faculty of the digital photography department at The Vancouver Institute of Media Arts (VanArts).