Watch Donald Dawson create practical, artistic objects by heating metal in the forge and hammering them into shape on a 100-year old anvil.

Watch Donald Dawson bend, shape and hammer forge-heated metal into specialty rings that a local business commissioned to add beauty and flare to their handmade bags. (See these bags on the 2nd floor of The Mergatroid Building at Bronsino Designs). Whether Donald is collaborating with a ceramic artist to make a metal stand (Anutya) or fabricating parts to repair a planer for a woodworker, Donald can move from the artistic to the practical as needed. Come early! The studio fills up for these demos.


979 Vernon Dr (enter through Parker St)


Thursday, November 14

7:00 – 7:30pm

Friday, November 15

7:00 – 7:30pm

Saturday, November 16

1pm – 1:30pm

3pm – 3:30pm

Sunday, November 17

12pm – 12:30pm

2pm – 2:30pm