Octopus Studios


Octopus Studios was established in 2006 by Beata Kacy and provides low cost space for artists, artisans, and crafts people. The building features 3000 sq ft of workspace in the heart of Strathcona’s Japantown and typically has around 20 resident artists working in a wide range of media including painting, jewellery, ceramics, sculpture, graphic design, […]

287 Alexander St

287 Alexander

John Steil’s studio at 287 Alexander is part of The Edge.  Located at the northwest corner of the Crawl, it is in a purpose-built live/work building completed in 1999.  The Edge has a mix of market housing, studios, offices, the Core artists co-op, and a one-of-a-kind 5000 ft2 amenity building in the courtyard with a […]

Jackson Five


At the corner of Jackson Avenue and Union Street on the edge of Strathcona is a row of 5 townhouses aptly nicknamed the Jackson Five.  The second townhouse is the home and studio of local potter, Matthew Freed who has lived and worked here for 15 years.  The building itself has heritage status and dates […]