Wheel Throwing Demo

Watch a short demonstration of wheel throwing with artist Syd Larcher and Emina Alcantara. POT SPOT STUDIO 721 Gore Ave Friday, November 15: 7-8pm Saturday, November 16: 12-1pm

Intro to Artist Websites

About Workshop: This workshop introduces participants to the process of establishing an online presence to promote their art practice. Participants will learn about artist statements, documentation, and other important website content, as well as how to use accessible, pre-built template website options. This workshop will explore how to create a dynamic website presentation that showcases […]

Grant Writing Success

Writing a successful grant application can often be a challenge – both for long-time applicants, as well as newcomers to the process. Funding guidelines priorities can often be challenging to decipher, and with an increasingly competitive grant environment can make success even tougher to achieve. For all those who need some guidance on successful grant […]

Social Media for Artists: The Value of Videos

In this workshop you will learn tools and tips to use on social media when creating engaging video content. We will explore different forms of video posts, with an emphasis on Instagram Reels. As an artist and an arts administrator living in Vancouver, Andy’s specialty is zero-budget-marketing. She encourages emerging to established artists to participate […]

Copyright 101

With the massive amount of media being easily shared digitally, how do we know what’s fair to use or what others can use of ours? Recent court cases with Canadian artists emphasize the importance of understanding copyright. Presenting and accessing creative works – art, photography, video, writing, music – is easier than ever and this […]

Photographing Your Artwork

Wendy D will be teaching very basic ways to document your artwork, flat or 3 dimensional. whether using just your phone camera or using a DSLR, the principles are the same. Points covered will be: lighting, camera angle, camera lens, types of files (jpg, tiff), size of files, post-processing and portfolio images vs. social media […]

Grant Writing Success

Writing a successful grant application can often be a challenge – both for long-time applicants, as well as newcomers to the process. Funding guidelines priorities can often be challenging to decipher, and with an increasingly competitive grant environment can make success even tougher to achieve. For all those who need some guidance on successful grant […]