The Eastside Culture Crawl Society offers affordable professional development workshops for artists throughout the year.
$20 for Crawl artists and $25 for non-Crawl artists.
2020 Workshop Schedule
Marketing For Artists – online webinar
Wednesday, May 13
7pm – 9pm
Whether self-represented or working with a gallery, artists are increasingly expected to work towards generating buzz and followings for their work. This workshop will introduce various marketing tools and approaches including websites and social media strategies, while highlighting how to increase press coverage for their work.
Pricing Artwork – online webinar
Wednesday, May 20
7pm – 9pm
How is pricing best determined for an artwork? In which ways is a print priced differently from a painting? Which factors influence how much a collector might be willing to spend? This workshop will use case studies for participants to discuss pricing approaches for artists.
Copyright 101 – online webinar
Wednesday, May 27
7pm – 9pm
With the massive amount of media being easily shared digitally, how do we know what’s fair to use or what others can use of ours? Recent court cases with Canadian artists emphasize the importance of understanding copyright. Presenting and accessing creative works – art, photography, video, writing, music – is easier than ever and this has major implications on how we choose to showcase our creative output. From understanding copyright and its applications for creators to fair dealing and fair use, lawyer and copyright expert Martha Rans will unravel the shifting and evolving legal issues that need to be a major part of your business as an artist. This workshop is recommended for all creators: visual artists, media artists, composers, writers, performing artists, and photographers.